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Saturday, 24 December 2016

Christmas in Waltham Chase with the Titheridges

The Black Dog at Waltham Chase in 2015
A Titheridge Christmas

This post is about the Titheridges of Waltham Chase Hampshire and a description of how Christmas was spent 90 years.  These are some reminiscences from Val Grevitt, son of Hilda Grace Titheridge.  Val was born in 1916 so this account of Christmas is probably about 1927.

“My mother, whose maiden name was Titheridge, was one of 14 children, of whom only one died; Titheridge was a common name in the area. My grandfather Titheridge was a market gardener.  My grandfather had also been the licensee of the Black Dog Inn at Waltham Chase before I was born (probably between 1884 and 1899). Every Christmas the Titheridge clan gathered at this hostelry and much boozing and singing took place, whilst we children stuffed ourselves with fruit and nuts and ginger pop in an unlicensed room made available to us by the publican.”

This family gathering must have been of some size. Val's grandparents were Noah John Titheridge and his wife Amelia Gardener.  They had 14 children 13 of whom reached adulthood and all except one married.  There were 14 grandchildren with the Titheridge surname and 18 grandchildren with other surnames.  What a large family gathering that must have been 27 adults plus children! – No wonder they met at the pub!

Descendants of Noah John Titheridge

Noah John Titheridge (1858 -1929) was born in Swanmore By Droxford, Hampshire.  He married Amelia Gardener (1859-1940) in 1878 in Swanmore. Noah and Amelia had the following 14 children all born in Shedfield, There were 9 girls and 5 boys. Only 3 of the boys had children to carry on the family name. These are Noah's family:
  • Alice Jane Titheridge was born in December 1878. She married Charles John Edwards in December1898
  • Edith Florence Titheridge was born in Sep 1880. She married Frank Earwaker in December 1899
  • William Edward Titheridge was born in Mar 1883.  He married Beatrice Elizabeth Daysh in September 1909. They had two boys and a girl
  • Walter Charles Titheridge was born in December 1884.  He married Annie Elizabeth Pymer in December 1906 and then Annie E E Palk in March 1944. There was one son who died as a baby from the first marriage and one son from the second marriage.
  • Noah John Titheridge was born in December 1886.  He married Annie Louise Ferris in December 1913. They had seven boys and a girl
  • Frederick George Titheridge was born in December 1888 he remained a batchelor
  • Mabel Leah Titheridge was born in March 1890. She married Henry Charles Blake in September 1918.
  • Elsie Olive Titheridge was born on 30 Sep 1892. She married William H K Glasspool in June 1913
  • Reginald Hubert Titheridge was born 1894 and died 1894
  • Hilda Grace Titheridge was born on 10 April 1895. She married Albert Grevitt on 28 February 1914 in Shedfield, Hampshire. 
  • Lottie Ivy Titheridge was born on 4 January 1897.  She married Thomas Kynaston in June 1920 in Droxford, Hampshire.
  • Freda Flossie Titheridge was born in Dec 1898 She married George Greenaway in March 1919 in Droxford, Hampshire.
  • Audrey Dora Titheridge was born in Jun 1900. She married George Harry Titheridge in March 1919. They had one son
  • Dorothy Gladys Titheridge was born on 02 February 1902. She married Cecil John Vear in December1921

Last year I visited Shedfield and Waltham Chase.  The Black Dog is still there in Waltham Chase as shown in the photograph above.  One mile away in the Shedfield church yard are the graves of several Titheridges (some of which I found and photographed shown below).

If you are interested in this family you may like to follow this link Waltham Chase website which will take you to the website where the reminiscences of two Titheridges are recorded Noah's daughter, Doris Gladys Vear, (nee Titheridge) and Noah's grandson, Reginald Titheridge son of William and Beatrice. 

St John the Baptist Shedfield - Titheridge Graves
Annie Louise wife of Noah John Titheridge

Noah John Titheridge

William Edward Titheridge

Beatrice Elizabeth Titheridge

Dorothy Gladys Vear (nee Titheridge)

Monday, 5 December 2016

Eglingham War Memorial

Eglingham in Northumberland is not a place you associate with the surname Titheridge.  It is a small village situated 7 miles north west of Alnwick and 40 miles north of Newcastle.  It is about 350 miles north of Winchester in Hampshire - so why did one of our Titheridge ancestors leave Hampshire in the 1910s and head to Northumberland where neither he nor his wife had any known relatives?

On the Eglingham village war memorial among the list of names is Arthur Titheridge.  Arthur was not a local and his name on the war memorial was a bit of a mystery to the locals.  Arthur was born in West Meon, lived in East Meon Hampshire and was killed in the Battle of the Falklands in 1914 aboard HMS Kent.  He is buried in Port Stanley in the Falklands, commemorated on East Meon War memorial,  and at Canterbury Cathedral as well as being mentioned on the Eglingham memorial.
Local historian and writer Janet Rice has researched the names on the Eglingham War Memorial and has published their stories on the website of the "North East Memorial Project".  Her article on Arthur Titheridge is well written and brilliantly researched.  Follow the links below to read more 

The article has made me ponder on the following questions which I am sure will remain unanswered.

Why did Arthur and Bertha go so far from home?
Where did Arthur’s eldest son Arthur George Roland live after his father died and mother move back south?
What happened to Arthur George Roland Titheridge after 1927? No death or marriage has been found for him in any country.
If you can additional information please get in touch.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

From Swanmore to Australia and Titheridge to Titheradge

St Mary and All Saints Church in Droxford

It was 1989 when we were contacted by an Australian interested in her family history.  Her request was simple – “could we help her find out more about her great grandfather Frederick Titheradge”.  The reply was not so simple - there was no Frederick Titheradge born anywhere around the right time or in the county she thought.  There was however a Frederick Titheridge who fitted the bill.  The research gradually built up the evidence until there was no doubt and indeed her ancestor was an …idge not an  …adge.  Our Australian friend was quite devastated at the news that her ancestor’s surname was not what she thought.  Frederick had been born, christened and joined the navy as  …idge but when he disembarked in Australian it became  .adge.  We cannot tell whether this error was because his accent made the name unclear, his writing made the surname unclear or whether he just couldn’t spell.  Whatever the cause our Titheridge emigrant produced a whole large family of Titheradges who still reside in Australia today.

This is the story of Frederick Titheridge alias Frederick Titheradge who settled in Australia in 1880.  Frederick was the four times Great grandson of John Titheridge and Ann Quallat who started the Titheridge family tree in Cheriton nearly 180 years before he was born.  Frederick was born on 29 July 1842 the fifth child of nine born to Richard Titheridge and Mary Ann Lasham in the Droxford area of Hampshire.  He was baptised on 25 September 1842 at Droxford.  The 1851 census showed Frederick at home with his parents and 6 siblings living at Swanmore near Droxford.  By the 1861 census Frederick was an Ordinary Seaman 2nd class recorded as aboard HMS Britannia in Portsmouth Harbour on the census

Frederick’s naval career is well documented and he rose to the rank of Stoker.  His naval record is summarised below
  •          HMS Agamemnon April 1860 to October 1862
  •          HMS Hawker October 1862 to February 1865
  •          HMS Narcissus March 1865 to July 1869
  •          HMS Asia July 1869 to November 1869
  •          HMS Rinaldo December 1869 to July 1872
  •          HMS Duke of Wellington July 1872 to December 1872
  •          HMS Asia January 1873 to May 1873
  •          HMS Pearl May 1873 to January 1877
  •          HMS Nymph January 1877 to January 1879
  •          HMS Wolverine January 1879 to January 1880

He was discharged from the navy on shore in Sydney on 16 January 1880 nearly 20 years after joining the navy.  He was described in navy records as 5 foot 7 inches tall, brown hair, blue eyes, a dark complexion with a scar on right hand.  His character was overall very good although there was one incident in 1865 in Cork noted as “Gaol for breaking leave”

After his arrival in Australia Frederick worked as an engine driver in the Australian railways.  In his obituary it says he was in charge of the locomotive water and pumps between Molong and Meranburn,

Just over a year after arriving in Australia Frederick married Martha Hannah Pritchard on 4 June 1881 at Narrandera, New South Wales Australia.  They had ten children, 7 boys and 3 girls, although Margaret may be a step child, or we may have the wrong year of birth. The children were
  •  Margaret born 1879in New South Wales; died 1964; married Samuel Coker in 1905
  • John Albert born 1882 in Narrandera, New South Wales; died 1892;  aged 10
  •  Frederick born 1884 in Narrandera, New South Wales; died 1938; married Phyllis Susannah Stewart in 1938; they had one girl and five boys
  •  Daniel born 1885 in Narrandera, New South Wales; died 1961; married Elsie May Eggington in  1912; they had one boy.
  •  Richard Joseph born 1888 in Narrandera, New South Wales; died 1969; married Mary Ann Kennerson 1917; They had one boy and two girls.
  •  Leonard Arthur born 1890 in Narrandera, New South Wales; died 1968; Rosina Devine 1912; they had five girls and three boys
  • George William born 1892 in Dubbo, New South Wales; died 1960; married Anastasia Florence Malcom in 1920; no known children
  • Henry David Alexandra born 1894 in Dubbo, New South Wales; died 1967; married Margaret Marr or Maher in 1920; they had two girls
  • Elsie Beatrice born 1895 in Dubbo, New South Wales; died 1972; married Gilbert Emmanuel Parkes in 1920
  • Rita Muriel born 1897 in Dubbo, New South Wales; died 1988; married Andrew Herman Baker in 1915
Frederick died 17 February 1914 in Molong, Orange New South Wales aged 71, his wife Martha, who was 18 years younger than him, lived another 29 years and died 16 September 1943 aged 82.  Frederick’s obituary appeared in the Molong Argus on 20 February 1914 and this tells us a lot about his life in Australia.

Obituary Mr. Frederick Titheradge

Once again it becomes our sad duty to record the passing of an old and highly respected resident of Molong.  We refer to Mr. Frederick Titheradge, who passed to the “great beyond" at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Coker, Orange, at 1.15 on Tuesday last, the immediate cause of death being senile decay.  Deceased was in his 72 year, having been born in 1842. He was a native of England.  Early in life he took to the sea, and served in the Royal Navy until he was about 35 years of age, then retiring.  (He was in receipt of an Imperial pension up to the time of his death.)  He landed in Australia 36 years ago, and immediately entered the New South Wales railway service, in which he remained until he was retired about a year ago.  Some 34 years ago, when stationed at Narrandera, he married Miss Martha Hannah Pritchard, who survives him.  The outcome of the union was ten children, nine of whom (six boys and three girls) are living.  They are, Frederick (Wellington), Daniel (East Maitland), Richard and George (Orange), Leonard and Harry (Molong), Mrs Coker and Misses Elsie andRita (Orange).  The deceased had been a resident of Molong for 18 years and up to some five weeks ago had enjoyed good health.  At the time mentioned Mrs Titheradge was in bad health, and the deceased was taking her to Sydney for treatment when he was taken ill.  On arrival in Sydney he grew steadily worse, and about a fortnight ago he was brought to Orange to his daughter's (Mrs Coker) residence.  All that could possibly be done to save the old gentleman's life was done, but without avail, and he gradually sank and passed peacefully away at the time stated, surrounded by all the members of his family.  The deceased was of a genial disposition, fond of his joke, and he was one who if he could not do a person a good turn, would never do a bad one, so that by his kindly and straight forward character he made hosts of staunch friends.  His one great hobby was vegetable gardening, and for many years, when living at the old pump house "Old Fred Titheradge's" (as he was familiarly called) garden was a sight worth seeing.  The funeral took place in Orange on Wednesday afternoon, the remains being interred in the Anglican portion of the general cemetery.  The service at the graveside was performed by the Rev. Canon Alldis, who went to Orange for that purpose.  The members of the M U. Oddfellows and Protestant Alliance marched in the funeral cortege, and the Oddfellows' burial service was read.  The Argus tenders its sympathy to the sorrowing widow and family in their great bereavement.

Obituary for Frederick’s wife Martha in 1943

Mrs. Martha H. Titheridge

One of the best known and most respected residents of the eastern portion of Orange, Mrs. Martha Hannah Titheradge, relict of the late Mr. Frederick Titheradge, passed peacefully away early on Thursday evening of last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Baker, of Edwards Street, Orange.  Mrs. Titheradge was a native of Sofala, an old mining field, and had reached the great age of 84 years.  For over 30 years Mrs. Titheradge had resided in Orange, having gone there from Molong, and for some years was highly regarded for the excellence of her catering for wedding parties and other big functions.  She was a devout member of Holy Trinity Church, regularly attending service until failing health confined her to her home.  Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Titheradge were married in St. Thomas' Church of England, Narandera, in 1878, the latter's parents being residents of the town at that time. Her husband predeceased her 30 years ago, and she is survived by the following family: Daniel (Fleming-ton), Richard (Orange), Len (Peak Hill), George (Narandera), Harry (Orange), Mrs. Coker (Burwood), Mrs. G. Parkes (Orange), and Mrs. A. H. Baker (Orange). There are 23 grandchildren and 20 great grand-children. Mrs. Titheradge is also survived by one sister (Mrs. Malone, Tottenham) and two brothers (Messrs, George and Albert Pritchard, of Tottenham and Queensland respectively).  After a service in Holy Trinity Church, the funeral moved to the Orange cemetery, where the interment was made in the Church of England section.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

A Voyage from East Meon to a New Life in New Zealand

East Meon Parish Church

On 27 April 1874 the Euterpe sailed from London, England to Wellington, New Zealand arriving on 30 August 1874.  The voyage took 124 days, a very slow voyage even by the standards of the day.  The arrival in New Zealand was recorded in the local paper, The Evening Post, on 31 August 1874

“The ship Euterpe, 1,105 tons, Captain Phillips, which has been expected hourly during the last six weeks, at length arrived in this harbour last night after a long passage of 124 days. The delay partly has been caused by an accident to the condenser, which compelled her to put in to the Cape of Good Hope for water. She brings 410 immigrants, all in good health; two infants died during the voyage, and six births occurred. A seaman was washed overboard last week; no other serious mishap took place. Immediately on the ship being signalled, the agents, Messrs Turnbull and Co. at once, although it was Sunday, procured an ample supply of fresh meat and vegetables, collected the crew of the S.S. Stormbird, and sent her out to the Euterpe, which she towed safely in by 9 p.m. Messrs Turnbull and Co. deserve great praise for the thoughtfulness and promptitude with which they acted, which we have no doubt will be, duly appreciated both by the immigrants and the Government. The immigrants will not be landed until Wednesday. Sixty will be conveyed to Wanganui by the Stormbird this evening.”

In 1874 thousands of assisted migrants arrived in New Zealand, half coming with government assistance.  The Eutrepe spent a quarter of a century hauling emigrants to New Zealand before she was sold in 1893 and renamed The Star of India. She is now preserved in the San Diego Maritime Museum.  A picture of this magnificent ship can be found at the following link

The 409 passengers recorded in the passenger list showed 142 males, 125 females, 66 boys, 59 girls and 17 infants.  Among the passengers are listed
James Tetheridge aged 34
Eliza Tetheridge aged 33
Eliza Tetheridge aged 18
Fanny Tetheridge aged 16
Robert Tetheridge aged 12
William Tetheridge aged 7
James Tetheridge aged 5
Frank Tetheridge aged 3
Harry Tetheridge aged 16 months

At the side is written Total Cost of Passage to the Government £101.10.

Also at the end of the passenger list are three miscellaneous entries under the heading “For advances outfit”.  One reads:-
James Tetheridge April 1874 £5 balance outfit money

I cannot imagine what it must have been like for James and Eliza aboard ship for over 4 months with seven children, four of them under 8 and Eliza must have been pregnant with her son who was born in December of that year. 

So what do we know about James and Eliza Titheridge who left England for a better life on the other side of the world?

James came originally from the village of East Meon in Hampshire. James’ grandfather was Thomas Titheridge (1774-1846).  Thomas married Jane Tee in East Meon where they settled and had six children including William Titheridge, James’ father (1805 -1866).  William married Elizabeth Lee in 1827 and they had fifteen children including James Titheridge born in 1840 in East Meon.

Through the census we can follow James’ life.  On the 1841 census James was 6 months old and living with his parents William and Elizabeth in East Meon, one of six children. By the 1851 census  James was 10 years old  and again living with his parents in Frogmore, East Meon, one of 7 children living at home. On the 1861 census James had left home and was lodging at a cottage in Wymering Farm Yard.   Over the next few years James’ occupations are recorded as agricultural labourer, carter or labourer.  

In 1865 James married Eliza Harfield, a widow, in Catherington.  Eliza’s maiden name was Rossey, she had previously been married to Thomas Harfield.  Thomas died in 1863 leaving her with three children Eliza, Fanny and Robert. The 1871 census shows James married to Eliza and they are living in Waterloo, Hampshire with their eldest three children plus two of Eliza’s children from her first marriage, .

James and Eliza had six children, only the eldest four were born in England and the last two were born in New Zealand.  The first four children were
William born 1866 in Waterloo Hampshire died 1895 in New Zealand
James Augustus born 1867 in Waterloo, Hampshire died  1951 in New Zealand
Frank born 1870 in Catherington, Hampshire died 1942 in New Zealand
Henry born 1872 in Catherington, Hampshire died 1952 in New Zealand

In 1874 James and Eliza sailed to New Zealand  where two more children were born.
Edward born December 1874 in Featherston, New Zealand died 1946. (His birth was registered as Edwin but he was married and died as Edward)
Louisa born 1877 in Geraldine, New Zealand died in 1907

The six Titheridge children all settled and married in New Zealand producing generations of Titheridges.
William, a labourer, married Rosetta Rowe in 1893 at Belfield, Orari and they had two girls.
James, a farmer, married Mary Ann Davidson in 1898 in Christchurch and had 2 boys and one girl.
Frank, a groom and gardener, married Ann Hill in 1904.
Henry, a farmer, married Nellie Matilda Johnson in 1902 and they had one boy one girl.
Edward, a labourer and farmer, married Isabella MacDonald in 1897 and they had two boys and two girls.
Louisa married William McDonald in 1902 and they had two girls.

Eliza and James enjoyed a good long life in their new country.  Eliza died in New Zealand in 1909 aged 72 and is buried in Geraldine Cemetery, while James lived until the age of 83 dying on 23 April 1923.

You may have noticed on the passenger list of the Euterpe the spelling of the surname is TETHERIDGE.  I do not know how many of the family kept this incorrect spelling and how many reverted back to TITHERIDGE.  The majority of descendants have definitely spelt the surname correctly but there were at least 8 births registered in the surname Tetheridge between 1901 and 1911.  Frank and Ann’s death and burial are recorded in the surname Tetheridge as is James and Mary’s wedding in 1900.  Searching the Internet I can only find one living individual with a surname of Tetheridge.  Also on the passenger list the three step children are called Tetheridge although their legal surname was Harfield.  I believe once in New Zealand they resumed the use of their legal name of Harfield.

I know there are many Titheridge descendants in New Zealand, many with a keen interest in genealogy.  If anyone would like to the add to the story by telling how their ancestors faired in this new world, or are able to clarify the surname used please add a comment below or send me an email.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Daniel Titheridge’s journey from Winchester to Australia

Alms Houses in Winchester
In 1870 Daniel Titheridge set sail from England to Australia.  The reason for his departure must surely have been the letters from his three brothers already settled there telling him what a great life it was in Australia.  However life didn’t turn out so great for Daniel.

Daniel was born in 1850 in Winchester, the youngest child of Daniel Titheridge and Charlotte Duffer or Duffin.  His brothers were 17, 14, 11 and 7 when Daniel was born.  His 9 year old brother Arthur died when Daniel was two years old.  His eldest brother, Alfred, emigrated when Daniel was 4 and the remaining two brothers, Henry and Robert, emigrated when Daniel was six.  The brothers’ stories have been told in earlier blogs. 

Daniel grew up like an only child.  In the 1851 census he was living with his brothers and parents in Middle Brook Street, Winchester and by the 1861 census he was living with his parents at 7 Sussex Street, Winchester.  In 1864 when Daniel was 14 his mother Charlotte died.  Two years later his father remarried to Ann Davey, a widow. 

Daniel was 19 when in 1869 he decided to join his brothers in Australia.  He set sail from London on 18 November 1869 and arrived in Hobson's Bay on the “Sea Chief” on 23 February 1870. 

I have been unable to find any mention of Daniel in the newspapers, so his story has been pieced together from the birth, marriage and death records.

Daniel married Sarah Ann Greenwood in Australia in 1875.  In an eight year period after the marriage they had six children.  They were all born in varying districts in north Melbourne, Victoria

Mabel Louisa Titheridge born 1877 in Hotham
Eveline Titheridge born 1878 in Richmond
Albert Ernest Titheridge born 1880 in Collingwood
Ethel Titheridge born 1881 in Brunswick
Lillian May Titheridge born 1883 in Collingwood
Alice Ann Titheridge born 1885 in Richmond

Sadly infant mortality was high in this family with only one of the six children reaching adult hood.  In 1880 nine month old Albert died, in 1882 seven month old Ethel died, in 1886 nine month old Alice died, in 1889 six year old Lillian died and in 1893 fifteen year old Eveline died.  This left Mabel as the only surviving child.  Mabel married Hector Lambard Emery in 1902 and lived to the good age of 75. 

Daniel is recorded as having an occupation of a furnace man in 1876 and an iron founder in 1879.  We have several addresses for him in Collingwood, Melbourne: in 1876 he was at Mason Street, in 1879 he was in Rupert Street and in 1881 he was at 24 Rupert Street.

Tragedy hit the family in 1887 when Daniel died aged just 37 years, leaving his widow Sarah with three children to bring up alone, Mabel aged 10, Eveline aged 9 and Lillian aged 4.  Sarah was to lose two more of her children in the next 7 years.  Sarah eventually remarried in 1900 to Adam Marr and lived until 1933.  Daniel’s death record has been transcribed as Daniel Pitt Titheridge, this is the only time that I have found a reference to the middle name Pitt.

On reflection perhaps Daniel’s search for a great life in Australia did not work out so well - life for immigrants was not always easy.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Henry and Robert Titheridge's journey - from Winchester to Ballarat in 1856

Winchester Cathedral
where Henry and Robert's father, Daniel, was a verger
In 1856 21 year Henry Titheridge and 18 year old Robert Titheridge took the decision to leave Winchester in Hampshire and sail to Australia to join elder brother Alfred who had emigrated two years earlier.  Alfred’s story has been told in the previous blog. 

Henry and Robert left their parents, Daniel and Charlotte Titheridge, and their six year old brother Daniel in Winchester.  On 5 September 1856 at 3 o’clock they sailed off from Liverpool aboard the Marco Polo to their new life 10,500 miles away in Australia. They arrived in Melbourne after 3 months at sea, arriving on 6 December 1856.  We do not know if they stayed in Melbourne, where brother Alfred was living, but by 1860 there is record of Robert in Ballarat, Victoria and by 1863 records show that Henry was in Ballarat too.

Ballarat was a town in Victoria, Australia situated 60 miles from Melbourne on the Yarrowee River.  The area was first settled by sheep herders in 1838 but the area developed rapidly after rich alluvial gold was discovered in 1851, within days of the announcement of gold the gold rush began. As news of the gold reached the world Ballarat experienced a huge influx of immigrants, as the gold ran dry many settlers moved on to other fields.  The city earnt the nickname the golden city in the 1880s. Ballarat grew from its founding in 1852 to a city by 1870 and it is the largest inland city in Australia.  Although the alluvial gold was soon exhausted underground mining continued until 1918. This was city where both Henry and Robert settled.

Henry’s Story

On the 1851 census in Winchester Henry’s trade was an apprentice tailor, an occupation he pursued in Ballarat.  On 29 June 1863 Henry married Louisa Bush in Ballarat.  They went on to have seven children, 5 boys and two girls between the years 1864 and 1874.  One boy and one girl died in childhood.  The children were:

Rhoda Maria Titheridge born 1864 died 1893
Walter Titheridge born 1865 died 1934
Daniel Carey Titheridge born 1867 died 1944
Frederick Titheridge born 1869 died 1903
Edward Titheridge born 1871 died 1878
William Titheridge born 1872 died 1952
Ann Titheridge born 1874 died 1875

Of the surviving five children all married.  Rhoda married John Patrick Tierney; Walter married Agnes Smyth and had two daughters and one son; Daniel married Jessie Mill and had one daughter and two sons; Frederick married Rachel Homewood and had one son and two daughters; William married Lavinia Luke Hammer and had two sons and one daughter.
From newspaper records we have been able to follow the tragedy that hit Henry’s family in 1875 and the subsequent consequences.

On 18 January 1875 Henry and Louisa’s youngest daughter, 6 month old Ann, died.  A week later Henry’s wife Louisa died leaving Henry with six children aged 11 to 3 to look after.  The death of Louisa was reported in the local newspaper.

27 January 1875 Ballarat Courier
Funeral Notice: - The Friends of Mr Henry Titheridge are respectfully invited to follow the remains of his late wife to the place of interment, the Ballarat New Cemetery. The funeral procession to move from his residence. No. 3 Kipon Street South, this Day (Wednesday, the 27th instant), at half-past four o'clock.  W. B. KING, Undertaker, Start Street, near the Hospital.

Five months later Henry was in financial trouble and appeared in the list of insolvents in the newspaper.

19 June 1875  The Australasian Melbourne
Henry Titheridge, tailor, Ballarat.  Causes of insolvency—Sickness and death in family, and pressure of creditors. Liabilities, £82 8 shillings assets £27 deficiency £55 8s.

Obviously the deaths in the family, money problems and six young children to look after took its toll on Henry and in 1877 he was in trouble for drinking to excess.

13 January  1877 The Ballarat Star
Neglected Children — Five boys named Titheridge were charged, by Senior-Constable Crowley with being neglected.  It appeared that for some considerable time the father, a tailor, able to earn £3 a week, had been drinking heavily.  No one looked after the boys, who were allowed to run wild about the streets and get what meals they could from the people of Ascot Street, where their father lived.  Mr Gaunt asked Titheridge, who was in court, if he would amend his ways, and upon his promising to do so discharged the boys.

In 1878 a further tragedy hit the family when the youngest child Edward, aged 7 died.

Two years later Henry met an untimely death as reported in the papers of the time

7 January 1880 The Age Melbourne
Our Ballarat correspondent writes under yesterday's date Henry Tetheridge, who was locked up at the City police station on Monday, on a charge of drunkenness, died of epilepsy in the cells during the evening.  The police paid every possible attention to the unfortunate man, and his death was as sudden as unexpected.

7 January 1880  Geelong Advetiser
A tailor named Henry Titheridge, 43 years of age, died in the Ballarat City lock up on Monday in a fit, shortly after having been locked up for drunkenness

7 January 1880 Melbourne
A magisterial inquiry was held to day before Mr Budden into the cause of death of a man named Henry Tetheridge, a tailor, who died rather suddenly last evening in the lock up, where he had been incarcerated on a charge of drunkenness.  He had been attacked while there with epileptic convulsions, and was ordered to be removed to the gaol hospital, but before this could be done he expired.  A verdict of died from epilepsy was returned.

This left the five remaining children orphans Rhoda 16, Walter 15, Daniel 13, Frederick 11 and William 8.  We do not know what happened to the children were they taken into care? were the children looked after by 16 year old Rhoda? or were they looked after by their uncle Robert who  also resided in Ballarat but had 5 children of his own?

Robert’s Story

Robert travelled to Australia with his brother Henry and his trade was a carpenter.  On 24 September 1868 he married Alice Middleton in Ballarat. Between 1869 and 1884 Robert and Alice had nine children, three boys and six girls. The children were

Alfred born 1869 died 1941
Charlotte Ann born 1871 died 1909
Sarah Jane born 1874 died 1946
Agnes born 1875 died 1915
Robert born 1877 died 1946
Alice born 1879 died 1879
Albert born 1880 died 1886
Alice born 1883 died 1885
Ettie Edith born 1884 died 1885

Between 1879 and 1886 the four youngest children died,  Baby Alice died in 1879, the second child called Alice died in 1885 aged 2 and in the same year Ettie died aged under 1, then Albert died in 1886 aged 6.   Of the remaining children the two boys never married while the three girls married Charlotte married David Woodhead, Sarah married Richard Davenport and Agnes married William Pryor.   Hence there are no Titheridge offspring from the marriage of Robert and Alice.

Robert managed to get his name in the local papers on several occasions

4 June 1860 The Star Ballarat
Dray Offence.- Robt. Tetheridge, for being away from his horse and cart, was fined 5s.

August 1863 The Star Ballarat
Damaging Property - Robert Tetheridge was charged with having broken a square of glass in the shop-window of Mr Blair, valued at 20s. Fined ls and 20s damages.

Leader in Melbourne on 10, 17 and 24 December 1864 and 7 January  1865
Advertisement section     Robert Titheridge — Please write to your brother Alfred, at Williamstown, immediately.  Important news from home

This advert would have been in response to the boys’ mother Charlotte dying in Winchester on 13 June 1864.  The interesting thing is that the advert is only for Robert and not for Henry who as was also living in Ballarat.

 28 January 1873 The Ballarat Star
Deserting his Wife— Robert Tetheridge was charged with deserting his wife and two children, and
leaving them without any support on the 17th instant.  On the application of his wife the prisoner was discharged.  The court then adjourned.

Obviously relations improved as Robert and Alice went on to have 7 more children

Robert died in 1899 in Musk Vale in Ballarat aged 61, while his wife, Alice,  went on to live until 1926 when she died in Ballarat.

If you are related to Henry or Robert please get in touch, especially if you can tell us more about the new life in Australia for these two immigrants.  Today there is still quite a few Titheridges in Ballarat – if that is you we would love to hear from you.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Alfred Titheridge's Journey - From Winchester to Melbourne in 1854

Old House in Winchester
Family Life in Winchester, Hampshire

Daniel Titheridge was born in 1807 and was one of six children born in New Alresford, Hampshire to Ann Pett and James Titheridge.  Daniel married Charlotte Duffer (also written as Duffen or Duffin) on 3 February 1831 at Winchester St Thomas.  Daniel and Charlotte had 5 children
Alfred Titheridge born 1833 Winchester
Henry Titheridge born 1836 in Winchester
Robert Titheridge born 1839 in Winchester
Arthur Titheridge born 1843 in Romsey
Daniel Pitt Titheridge born 1850 in Winchester

The 1841 census showed Daniel and Charlotte living in Middle Brook Street Winchester with Alfred, Henry and Robert. The 1851 census showed Daniel and Charlotte still living at Middle Brook Street now with all five children.  On the 1851 census Daniel is a brewer, Alfred an apprentice coach trimmer and Henry an apprentice tailor.  Tragedy struck the family in 1852 when 9 year old Arthur died.

Charlotte died of epilepsy on 13 June 1864 in Snow Hill, Winchester.  Four years later Daniel remarried Ann Davey, a widow 9 years his junior, at Pimlico St Peters Church in London.  In later life Daniel’s occupation is given a Verger in Winchester Cathedral.  From the 1861 census onward Daniel lived at 7 Sussex Street in Winchester. Daniel died in Winchester on 27 March 1872 and Ann died in 1885.

Life in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

It is Daniel’s 4 children that emigrated to Australia.  The first to leave England was the eldest child Alfred Titheridge. At the age of 21 Alfred sailed from England to Melbourne, Victoria Australia aboard the ship “Champion of the Seas”.  Alfred settled in Melbourne and on 21 April 1857 he married Alicia Hughes at St Peters Eastern Hill, Melbourne.  During his life he resided at Nicholson Street Carlton, Abbotsford Street Hotham and 18 Wellington Street Newmarket, all places around the Melbourne area.

In September 1875 Alfred had a brush with the law when he was accused of abetting and assisting in an illegal marriage at Hotham between Thomas Downard and Lucy Murray.  Lucy was just 15 years old and she married without her mother’s consent.  Alfred had been a witness at the marriage and was therefore prosecuted. The defence said the marriage was perfectly legal: that no case had been made out against the defendant, Alfred, and the case was eventually dismissed.

Alfred’s wife Alicia died in 1875, aged 42, and was buried in Kew Cemetery also known as Boroondara General Cemetery.
Her death was announced in the local newspaper.
The Argus Melbourne 11 December 1875
The friends of Mr Alfred Titheridge are most respectfully informed the remains of his late beloved wife will leave the Kew Asylum for the place of internment in the Kew Cemetery this day Saturday 10 December at three o’clock.  Thomas Jennings Undertaker 128 Queens Street.

Two years later in 1877 Alfred remarried to Jane Gardiner Metcalf. On the 1851 census in Winchester Alfred was an apprentice coach trimmer and by 1857 his occupation was coach maker.  By 1863 he was working for the Victorian Railways.  The following article was found in the Australian Newspapers. presumably celebrating his retirement
North Melbourne Advertiser 5 May 1893
Mr A Titheridge late of the Carriage Shops Spencer Street and upwards of thirty years in the Department was made the recipient of a silver mounted umbrella the gift of his fellow workmen.

Ten months later, on 7 July 1894, Alfred died at Newmarket, Victoria.  The cause of death was heart disease.  He is buried at Melbourne General Cemetery.  His death was announced in the local newspaper.
The Argus Melbourne on the 9 July 1894
Death announcements
Titheridge – On the 7 inst. at 18 Wellington Street, Newmarket Alfred Titheridge late of the Victorian railways aged 61 years.

Alfred's widow, Jane, lived for another 23 years dying in 1917.  I have a copy of Alfred’s will showing that he left his money to his widow.  The will says he “left real estate in the colony of Victoria not exceeding the value of one thousand and sixty six pounds and personal property not exceeding the value of two hundred and twenty pounds”.  

As far as I am aware there were no children from either marriage.

Champion of the Seas

While writing this article I wondered about Alfred's voyage on, Champion of the Seas and found that both the ship had a claim to fame. 

In a local Hampshire paper I found the following advert for the ship's voyage, Alfred probably read some similar advert
Liverpool “Black Ball” Line of Australia packets
“Champion of the Seas”
The largest and finest merchant ship now in England.  For Melbourne forwarding passengers to all parts of Australia and Van Diemans’s land at ships’ expense the splendid new Clipper ship “Champion of the Seas”.  She beats every other ship on her passage from New York to Liverpool.  Her passenger accommodation is unequalled. The promenade on deck is more extensive that any ship in England.  Her cabins are superior to any ship in the trade.  Plunge and shower baths are fitted up for all classes of passengers and a milch  cow will be provided .  James Baines and Co 6 Cork Street Liverpool

The Champion of the Seas was a sailing ship, Clipper, built in  America in 1854 for the Black Ball Line.  It was to sail the route Liverpool to Melbourne.  Alfred was on her maiden voyage leaving Liverpool on 11 October 1854 and arriving in Melbourne 75 days later.  She was a big, fast ship Captained by Alexander Newlands. She set the record for the most distance travelled in one day under sail, covering 465 nautical mile on 10- 11 December 1854.  On this 1854 voyage the ship carried 780 passenger 45 in cabins and the rest in intermediate and steerage, (“steerage” was the cheapest way to travel, on the lowest deck beneath the water line).  Even on this new ship life at sea was far from comfortable and often hazardous.  Stormy seas and treacherous oceans were common on route and the Champion of the Seas' maiden voyage was no exception.  In the Bay of Biscay the ship met a severe gale which caused damage to the ship and the loss of life of one of the sailors.  Hygiene on board any ship was poor leading to disease and even death.  The maiden voyage of Champion of the Seas was better than most trips  - only four people died during the journey.  However, they did have a case of small pox on board and when the boat arrived in Melbourne it was put in quarantine for a week.  They finally embared on 29 December having spent Christmas Day on board.  The newspapers reported the way they dealt with the small pox “It was thought advisable to do away with any chance of infection by fumigating the mail and having the passenger’s clothes passed through boiling water before proceeding to destinations.”  From reading the newspaper articles it was interesting to realise that the “Champion of the Seas” brought news from England (shipping was their means of communication).  The Champion of the Seas brought news of the Crimean War and the Battle of Alma. 

So Alfred was lucky to arrive in Melbourne, a journey of nearly 12,000 miles, alive and healthy  and ready to settle in to a new and better life.

If you can give more details of Alfred's life please contact us.